Learn more about the uses & benefits of virtual simulation in undergraduate nursing education on the Kaplan Nursing Blog.

i-Human Patients virtually simulated patient encounters for undergraduate nursing students were thoughtfully developed with the RN/PN in mind. Students interact with a life-like patient that breathes, blinks, answers questions, and responds to intervention.

Virtual Patient Encounters

Students interact with virtual patients in a comprehensive patient encounter from history to nursing notes.

  • Full Undergraduate Nursing Case catalog
  • Diverse representation of age, gender, and ethnicity in avatars.
  • Supporting avatars, including family members and caretakers
  • Specialty/Course Bundles including Med-Surg, Pediatrics, Women’s Health and Mental Health
  • All cases mapped to AACN Essentials to align with Competency-Based Curriculum

Cases Authored by Experienced Nurses

Standardized cases allow for objective, consistent grading across students and instructors
Auto-scoring provides immediate feedback and saves hours of grading time for faculty
24/7 availability on laptops and tablets wherever an internet connection is available

Improve Clinical Judgment

Virtual patient encounters assist students in gaining confidence in their clinical judgement skills throughout nursing school, as they prepare for the NCLEX® exam and beyond.  Students gain confidence through interactions with virtual patients in a comprehensive encounter as they review the  electronic health record, perform assessments, develop care plans, and document nursing notes in an immersive practice environment.

  • Start with the chart

    Begin by immersing students in clinical experiences without overwhelming them. Let them spend time with a patient’s chart, getting familiar with the details, and learning how to identify important details. Read a patient’s electronic health record:

    ● Begin looking for clues
    ● Identify important details that should be documented
  • Meet the patient

    Often one of the most intimidating steps for a new nurse, i-Human Patients allows students to practice communicating with a patient:

    ● Greet the patient
    ● Ask the patient questions
    ● Take a patient history
    ● Document key findings from the encounter
  • Complete a Physical Exam & Analyze Cues

    Students can complete a wide range of procedures - i-Human will keep track to help them understand which are/aren’t appropriate for the case:

    ● Listen to the patient’s heartbeat and lung sounds with the stethoscope
    ● Use the Sphygmomanometer take the patient’s blood pressure
    ● Inspect wounds, rashes, bandages, stitches, etc with integrated images and video from our multimedia library
    ● Document findings
    ● Analyze patient cues
  • Categorize Findings & Prioritize Hypotheses

    Students review their documented findings to categorize and prioritize actions:

    ● Group findings into system/concept
    ● Prioritize by system
    ● Document decisions in i-Human
  • Generate Solutions

    Students review their documented findings to categorize and prioritize actions:

    ● Choose appropriate action steps
    ● Designate: Stat, Urgent, or Routine
  • Evaluate Outcomes

    Students review their documented findings to categorize and prioritize actions:

    ● Students wrap it up here in the nurse notes - documenting their key findings - assessment, SBAR, SOAP note
    ● Review the summary of the case
Standardized, fully-documented cases and integrated learning resources become the “textbook” for the course
Auto-scoring allows faculty to focus on group discussion and comprehension gaps while i-Human grades each assignment
Students master each step, building confidence in their own competency and clinical judgment skills.

Integrated Learning

Use i-Human Patients to help students understand where their classroom learnings apply to patient encounters.

  • Lessons – Provide students with access to lessons from our library to review clinical procedures like how to take a history.
  • Exercises – Allow students to dive deep into a topic (like how to perform a heart auscultation) within an appropriate case with an embedded exercise.
  • Quizzes – Ensure that students have fully comprehended the topics and lessons with integrated quizzes.

Rich Multimedia Library

Cases and lessons are supported with a rich media library including:

  • High-res up to 40x magnification real medical images
  • Instructional and procedure videos
  • Real patient sounds such as lung and Proctor Harvey heart auscultations, different coughs, pulses, breathing, and more.

Robust Tracking and Reporting

Auto-Scoring and Analytics

We track every keystroke to provide faculty and students with detailed performance stats.

Auto-scoring saves time for faculty. Students will automatically be graded and see what they did right or wrong, as well as what they missed.

Individual Performance

Students and faculty can drill down to view detailed performance information.

Group and Cohort Performance

Faculty can assess common areas of proficiency and deficiency across groups and cohorts.

Request a Demo

Learn How i-Human Patients can help you build diagnostic competency and clinical judgment skills in students. Enter your details below and our local program director will be in touch: